coal miner

[kəul ˈmaɪnə]
  • 释义
  • 矿工,煤矿工人;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    He is a coal miner and his job is dirty and dangerous at the best.


  • 2、

    He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes.


  • 3、

    I am a coal miner.


  • 4、

    I am the son of a coal miner.


  • 5、

    A coal miner for most of his years , father knew only the hardest kind of life.

    父亲当了大半辈子煤矿工人, 饱尝着生活的艰苦.

  • 6、

    Then he goes down the hole to work as a coal miner.


  • 7、

    Are you a coal miner? Yes, I am.

    你是一个采煤工 吗 ?是的, 我是.

  • 8、

    My electrcit level is very high , al thou once I am a coal miner.


  • 9、

    As a coal miner, Mr. A always looks like something the cat dragged in.

    A先生是个煤矿工人, 看来总是脏兮兮.

  • 10、

    A retired coal miner painted a picture of a train carrying coal.


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